Introduction to Digital Gut-Directed Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

MONDAY, July 17th, 2023
Noon - 1pm Pacific

Partner-As-Teacher Webinar

with Dr. Mary Pardee, ND, IFMCP

Introduction to Digital Gut-Directed Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Learn from an expert about new, innovative, and available FDA-cleared treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). From this lunch and learn you’ll be introduced to FDA cleared, digital gut-directed behavioral therapy, their mechanism, the landscape of evolving therapies and compelling evidence supporting the safety and long-term effectiveness when using them as part of your IBS treatment algorithm. You will also learn practical tips and insights on how to incorporate these new treatment options, including prescription based- Mahana IBS into your practice. 

Monday, July 17th
Noon - 1pm

Members: free
Non-members: free

You must register in advance for this webinar.

This webinar is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not approved for CE.


After the presentation, participants will be able to confidently:

1. Understand the psychological and neurological factors involved with IBS

2. Review the landscape of digital gut-brain behavioral therapies

3. Learn the differences between gut-brain cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy

4. Review Mahana IBS, its mechanism of action and evidence supporting its FDA-clearance, safe and durable effectiveness claims for treating IBS

5. Understand how Mahana IBS can be added to your treatment algorithm for IBS and potential cost effectiveness for doing so

Dr. Mary Pardee, ND, IFMCP

Dr. Mary Pardee is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a Certified Functional Medicine Doctor who specializes in integrative approaches to gut health and longevity  in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder of modrn med, a telemedicine company that provides medical and health services to patients from the comfort of their homes. For those who can not work one-on-one with a modrn med practitioner, Dr. Mary also created a gut-health course that dives into the most common gut related complaints and natural solutions to start healing. 


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